Monday, January 13, 2014

Former Ebay Sellers: New Facebook Group

Come join us and post your experiences, opinions, comments and questions about ebay at:

Sunday, January 5, 2014

How Ebay Is Squeezing the Little Guy Out Using Flawed DSR System

Starting in 2008, ebay put into place a number of bad policies aimed at the gradual elimination of the small sellers in favor of high volume sellers. CEO Donahoe said as much in a speech in which he called the mom & Pops "noise". Ebay is in the process of transforming into a virtual overstock warehouse venue, similar to Amazon, and the "little guy" is not part of that picture. One of the ways in which small sellers are being eliminated is through the flawed DSR (Detailed Seller ratings) system. Smalls sellers are more immediately and severely impacted by a few low DSR ratings (1's and 2's) than are high volume sellers. Various punitive measures instantly go into place at ebay against a small seller if a few low DSRs have been left by buyers (even if left by mistake or unfairly). Among the punitive measures ebay imposes are a 21-day hold on a seller's PayPal funds, lower placement of a seller's items in ebay search, and Seller limitations upon the number of items a seller can list on ebay. All of this is driving small sellers off the site, thousands of whom are leaving ebay of their own accord because of these adverse measures.

Saturday, January 4, 2014